December 4, 2010


Hello all,

Well, this week was an absolutely crazy but incredible week! Let's start at the good news!
First off, we have a new investigator! Addison is living with a member family; the grandparents of her son. We taught her about the restoration on Tuesday. The lesson was amazing! Thanks for all your prayers! Never have we had a lesson where the spirit was so strong and testified of the truthfulness of our message. There is no doubt that she felt it too! She had no problems with the commitments and she understood the power of the restoration and why it was important. I felt the spirit tell me things to say and testify to her that Joseph Smith truly was a prophet and restored Jesus Christ's true church on the earth once again.

We continue to support and encourage the members of the ward in their missionary efforts. The ward has always been good, and because of the ward's help, 9 new converts have been baptized into the ward, making this ward the highest number in the stake!

One woman we teach, who has 4 small children told us that she began to doubt, but that prayer helped her regain faith. She is one of my favorite people to teach. She takes our advice and applies it to her life. It is a testimony builder to me that the Lord helps and loves all his children and wants the best for every person. This woman tries hard as a mother and her hard work is an example to me.

This week it snowed. Let me say, it was pretty crazy! Schools were shut down, cars were abandoned at the side of the street and the city shut down. People were truly stuck in their houses. It was great for missionary work! People seemed more cheerful and happy and willing to let us teach them. Here they refuse to salt the roads so plowing the roads simply reveals the ice below. Roads are quite scary!

This week was thanksgiving! Let me say, it was an amazing meal! We had multiple appointments during the day, but our main course was at a member's house who was recently re-converted. The woman who cooked is French and is an amazing cook! We had the usual, but she included some french ingredients. One family we visited gave us pumpkin juice, in commemoration of Harry Potter. I am glad there are fellow fans in my ward.

During the next couple of weeks I may be going to the Harry Potter Exhibition in downtown Seattle so if I don't send you a message that week, be expecting a letter instead. Last week we went to the Bellevue mall. It was quite fun! As we walked in I saw it - The Microsoft Store. As we got closer, it seemed eerily familiar, like I had seen it before. Maybe because it looked almost EXACTLY like the Apple store! Same kinds of people working there with short-sleeved t-shirts, hand's on opportunities, and the same modern design that would be found at Apple, just a few stores down. Kind of typical. They never come up with an original idea. NICE WORK MICROSOFT!

Last night we had our weekly appointment to talk to the bishop. As we were about to leave, we saw he had a player piano. He showed it to us and we both got to use it. It was fun! Anyway, This was a good week and I can't wait for this next one. We have Zone Conference, which is always good. I feel your prayers every day and am constantly reminded why a mission is important. I love you!

Elder Fetzer

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