December 28, 2010


Hello all,
It was great to hear from you all on Saturday. Christmas was good! It was great to spend it with members. Saturday afternoon we spent with the Liu's and their family. It was great to spend time sitting around and talking and playing board games. And as always, we had a wonderful dinner. We spent Christmas night with recent converts, Rebecca and Jane, Sue, and Anne and her kids. It is great to see Sue take the lead and fellowship some of those people struggling. After all, that is truly what the gospel is about, to bear one another's burdens. She is a great example of fellowshipping those who need a good friend.

I recently heard of the Provo tabernacle that recently burned down. I heard that it is all ruined, except for one thing, a charred picture of the Savior. It is ironic really. In a world that is so dark and confusing, He is always there to help. He performed the atonement. Through Him, we can be saved. It was a great story to hear about at this time of year when we remember the Savior and His sacrifice for us.

The gospel is one of love. I see that every day! As I teach others about Jesus Christ and His plan for each one of us, my love for the people grows stronger and stronger. It is truly tragic when those that I teach reject the teachings. I am happy for E. That was truly the highlight of her mission, seeing the family go into the baptismal covenant.

Sarah Cate and Libby will be great missionaries! They always have such a great spirit and enthusiasm while sharing the gospel!

The new year looks promising for the work here in Issaquah 5th ward. In 2011, our ward will focus on part-member families. There are nearly 47 people who could be baptized. There is one young girl who comes to church every week and reads the Book of Mormon every night. She has been on date before, but her baptized mother, who claims she is now Buddhist, wants her to REALLY gain a testimony before she is baptized. What more of a testimony is that??!!! Me and my companion must work hard in order to start the year off right.

The Church is True!

Love/Miss You,
Elder Richard Fetzer

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