March 10, 2009

Car Crashes

On my way home from work, I saw 2 car crashes. When I came upon the first, glass was shattered, strewn across the street. Cars were backed up, only down to one lane. The car itself, had little damage, except for the broken windows. The second crash I actually witnessed. I was headed up fourth south, going up the hill to the U, when I saw it; a van was changing lanes and didn't see the Accord behind him. The van pushed the car onto the tracks. If this crash had happened a minute later, the car on the tracks would have been hit by an oncoming TRAX car. Scary!

1 comment:

  1. Haha the picture of the car on the roof actually makes me laugh! However your story gives me the chills. I hate witnessing car crashes. The one about the van sounds terrifying. It makes me never want to drive on the road again. But of course I have to. When you told me you updated your blog, I immediately checked it.
    So do you want to hear something funny I saw today? I was walking on campus next to the kiddie playground. One kid started crying on the slide. The other two kids next to the crying kid covered their ears and walked away. Hahahaha I thought it was sad but hilarious. This just became a blog post itself.
