August 13, 2011

Zone Conferences and More

Hello all,
This was quite a good week! We actually did have time to do some missionary work (after 5 PM of course) and we stayed pretty busy. This week was zone conference, meaning that we had to be there all 4 days and do all the inspections and do training. It still surprises me that we train on basically the same thing every zone conference and missionaries still aren't able to care for their cars well. But at least we get a good lunch from all the work and I get to see some of my friends from around the mission.
Proselyting is going to start to change in the mission. BECAUSE, have I told you about it? The Church is going to do a HUGE media blitz for the "I'm a Mormon" campaign in the Seattle area and it is going to help the work here a lot! As part of it, we are spending a lot of time on the site and all the missionaries are creating profiles. Other cities that the Church has done this in has seen great success, especially NYC. It seems that the Church has been seen in a better light lately. Hopefully this helps people gain a testimony of the gospel. 
Also, Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is visiting the area THIS FRIDAY. Rumor has it he will provide training for this upcoming blitz, but none the less, I am quite excited! At zone conference, all the areas got DVD players to use to watch the Preach My Gospel training DVDs. I'm kind of worried about what is going to happen, but I know that the people who approved it in the Missionary Department know what they are doing.
This media blitz may be what our mission needs to see the work really start to skyrocket. We have had many visits from general authorities in the past year preparing us for great things to come. Hopefully this will help accomplish the goals our mission wants to achieve.
We had some good success tracting this week. Many of the potential investigators we found live around members homes. It is surprising how prepared some of the people are. We were tracting around the Bishop's house and we found a man who wants to become closer to God. He let us in (the second time it has ever happened) and we taught him about the atonement and we taught him how to pray and actually got him to do it! It was really quite a miracle! 
Last night we had a great ward party! The ward holds an annual corn roast every year at a park on the shore of Lake Washington. It was quite enjoyable getting to know the members of this ward better! Other than that, It was an average week. But the Church is True and will bless many more people to come.
~Elder Fetzer

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