August 20, 2011

Elder Perry comes to visit

Hello all,
So this week was actually quite good, not in terms of teaching or lessons, or the people that we met, but it was just good. And to end it by hearing from one of the Twelve apostle made it all the better.
Transfers are coming up next week and i'll be surprised if either me or my companion are transferred because we are really the only ones that know how the office runs. But it could always happen. Also, it seems as though my friends out here are all getting ready to go home. Each transfer more and more people that I know are leaving the mission field, off to bigger and better things. Every transfer I feel like I know less people. So maybe it is just me and I need to start getting to know the younger missionaries better. I feel like I am still a younger missionary myself, but then I realize I have been out nearly a year and see that most of the mission is younger than I am and that makes me feel weird. Anyways, things are fine right now. We're always busy in the office and getting ready for transfers is no different.
Yesterday we had the privilege of hearing from Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. He was accompanied by his wife and Elder Christiansen of the Quroum of the 70. Elder Christiansen just emphasized points found in Preach My Gospel including talking to everyone, companionship study, and how to help people read and gain a witness of the Book of Mormon. Sister Perry also spoke about enduring trials and the blessings that come from it. Elder Perry talked about loving your companion and how to work with less-active members of the Church. The spirit in the meeting was quite strong. It is always a great experience when general authorities come to visit.
We haven't met with the Stinsons is a while. They have family visiting. But they said we could come by next week. We're planning to talk to them about Patriarchal Blessings! We found some good potential tracting this week.So that was basically my week. It was good.
~Elder Fetzer

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