May 7, 2012

Miracles Happen

Hello all,
Microsoft is everywhere. On any given day we have ridden through the worldwide headquarters on our way to an appointment or visit. We live right across the street from the campus and I would say that most of the people that we talk with each day have something to do with the company. I really had no idea that it was so big!
We did have a pretty good week, even though the pace was a bit slower than things were going in Renton. The highlight of the week was probably the visit of Elder Golden from the first quorum of the Seventy, who is currently conducting a mission tour. His message to the missionaries on Friday was powerful. He spoke of purifying our lives and listening to the spirit. His message helped me realize my potential as a missionary as I end my mission in 4 months. Last night he spoke at a missionary fireside. He spoke of the true nature of God. Some of his message went over my head, but the important part was that the spirit was there. After the meeting he spoke to a small group of missionaries, conveying the Lords love and support for us. It was great to hear a servant of the Lord help us realize our purpose.
We brought our investigator Ashley, who the elders here have been teaching for a few months. She thought it was powerful. After the meeting we took a walk around the temple grounds and helped her feel the spirit a bit more.
Right now we are teaching a few investigators. We have someone named Nathaniel that is preparing for baptism next month and is working on quitting smoking. In our last lesson we helped him understand what he needs to do in order to fully quit, including prayer and daily scripture study. 
We also have a few other investigators, including Charlie. We did service for him and taught him the Plan of Salvation. He wants us to come back and continue teaching him.
We did have a really neat miracle. On Wednesday we were walking home from a long, somewhat disappointing day. I saw a man crossing the street ahead and prayed that we could talk to him. He walked towards us and while we were talking to him he told us that he has been thinking about God lately and what He wants for this man to do in his life. So we're meeting with him on Tuesday at his office on the Microsoft campus. It showed me that God does watch out for us all and will provide miracles.
So I am here for a reason. Things are good. And I am excited for this transfer because the Church is true!

~Elder Fetzer

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