Hello All,
We continue to teach those we already have, but we continue to
struggle to find new people to teach. We had a great lesson with Subeer
before he left on his month-long trip to India. We caught up on how his
testimony has progressed. He told us that since we began to meet with
him he has been able to feel and be guided by the spirit. He even gave
us some stories about times that he prayed for guidance, even when he
was planning his trip to India he was inspired to choose an earlier
flight. Many of his questions about life have been answered and he
understands that understanding comes "line upon line, precept upon
precept, here a little and there a little." He loved Church last week,
especially the open discussion in elders quorum. It truly is amazing to
see the progress of someone that had no real knowledge or understanding
of God just about a month ago. The best thing about it is that he would
like to continue learning when he gets back!
We also continue to teach Lin and Amy. Lin, like
Subeer, has a non-religious background, but his understanding is
increasing and it seems like our lesson on Saturday about the purpose of
life, repentance, and the atonement of Jesus Christ is really starting
to click. He was at Church yesterday. We still aren't sure how much he
understands, but he does feel the spirit when he attends.
Amy continues to progress, although she is starting to attend a
singles ward in Redmond until she moves. The missionaries in
California are going to have a really solid baptism when she moves there
in a month.
I can't believe that I am 21 years old! Time is coming to an end
here. There was a member that couldn't feed us on Saturday so she gave
us money to go out to eat. A great treat to celebrate my birthday and
Elder Walker's year mark!
The "bring your friend to Church" day went well. Although there
were many new people that attended, very few attended the meetings after
sacrament. But we'll see what happens from it. The talks were on
service and fulfilling callings. They were really powerful.
So all in all it was an okay week. The work moves forward because this is the Lord's one true Church!
~Elder Fetzer

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