October 20, 2010


Dear Family-
The highlight of this week the Baptism of Rebbecca and Jane. Saturday's baptism was well attended. The ward has really embraced them and they are going to be awesome members. Rebbecca has had a hard life, but she has really seen a change for the better with the gospel a part of it. It has really strengthened my testimony of what the gospel can do for people. I got to participate in the circle when they got the gift of the Holy Ghost, which was really neat! Here they do that during Sacrament Meeting, which I had never seen before. I know that they felt the spirit this weekend and I can't wait to continue to teach them the gospel and eventually see Rebbecca go through the Temple. I know that she knows the Temple is a special place. She felt the spirit just being on the grounds.

The weeks here keep getting better and better and I know that through faith and obedience we can keep our goals. As always, The Church is true and I can't wait to hear from you later this week!

~Elder Richard Fetzer

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