I have posted them before, but now they are back and better than ever! I seriously laughed the hardest in these websodes than I have in The Office in a very long time! Enjoy!
Now for the final show!
October 29, 2009
October 21, 2009
The famous one pounder!
Have you ever heard of Archer, Idaho? Neither had I until we visited Big Judd's Country Diner for something famous. Tonight Reece, Levi and I visited for one thing, The Big Judd's Special, a famous one pound burger! And let me say, it was delicious!
October 20, 2009
October 12, 2009 - An EPIC night! At precisely one in the afternoon, we departed to Boise for one of the best concerts I have ever been to: OWL CITY!!!
It all began with the 5 hour drive, driving to the Oasis in Eden, being blissful in Bliss, almost running out of gas, and finally making it to BOISE!!! Whoa what a ride! Lots of deep discussion, picture taking, sleeping and most importantly, listening to the band we were about to see!
Who knew that there was really a store called the Pie Hole? My fantasies of visiting Ned's pie shop were almost a reality, although this Pie Hole only had pizza, no colorful and delicious pies!
The concert was amazing! The night was filled with Vanilla Twilight, Meteor Showers, Fireflies, and my favorite, an inspiring Hot Air Balloon ride! The fans were crazy, dancing and singing along to Owl
City's catchy tunes.
Videos I took below!
The concert was soon over, but the fun was just beginning...we still had the 5 hour ride home...
It all began with the 5 hour drive, driving to the Oasis in Eden, being blissful in Bliss, almost running out of gas, and finally making it to BOISE!!! Whoa what a ride! Lots of deep discussion, picture taking, sleeping and most importantly, listening to the band we were about to see!
Who knew that there was really a store called the Pie Hole? My fantasies of visiting Ned's pie shop were almost a reality, although this Pie Hole only had pizza, no colorful and delicious pies!
The concert was amazing! The night was filled with Vanilla Twilight, Meteor Showers, Fireflies, and my favorite, an inspiring Hot Air Balloon ride! The fans were crazy, dancing and singing along to Owl
City's catchy tunes.
Videos I took below!
The concert was soon over, but the fun was just beginning...we still had the 5 hour ride home...
September 17, 2009
Harry Potter EXTRAVAGANZA!!!
Okay, so I know this was months ago, but this really was one of the highlights of my summer! JULY 15, 2009 was an EPIC morning!

We had spent all day and the previous getting ready for the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince...Going to get our costumes at the D.I. and getting ready for the party all day!
I was Lupin (thanks Reece for being the ONLY one to know who I was from the picture!). Olivia was Bellatrix. Emily was Luna. Jessie was Trewlany. And Joseph was He Who Must Not Be Named!
We got to the pre-party at Annie's where we watched the fifth movie. Ben made a cake in the shape of Hagrid's hut! Everyone was dressed up!
The REAL party began in front of Megaplex 12 at the Gateway where there was wizard dueling and creatures! Loads of fans dressed up for the show, even Jedi's!

The main event came, one that fans had waited an extra six months to see! And boy how I LOVED the movie! It really did feel like the book!
Well, here is one of my more memorable summer adventures. Just another EPIC party...but just wait until the seventh movies!

We had spent all day and the previous getting ready for the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince...Going to get our costumes at the D.I. and getting ready for the party all day!
I was Lupin (thanks Reece for being the ONLY one to know who I was from the picture!). Olivia was Bellatrix. Emily was Luna. Jessie was Trewlany. And Joseph was He Who Must Not Be Named!
We got to the pre-party at Annie's where we watched the fifth movie. Ben made a cake in the shape of Hagrid's hut! Everyone was dressed up!
The REAL party began in front of Megaplex 12 at the Gateway where there was wizard dueling and creatures! Loads of fans dressed up for the show, even Jedi's!
The main event came, one that fans had waited an extra six months to see! And boy how I LOVED the movie! It really did feel like the book!
Well, here is one of my more memorable summer adventures. Just another EPIC party...but just wait until the seventh movies!
Hello from REXBURG! Okay, so I tried and failed trying to keep up my blog of all my summer adventures. But I am back, and now it is for good! My summer was AMAZING. Let me give you a brief summary:
In June I graduated from Olympus High School! I knew I had to have an EPIC summer, as it would most likely be my last living at home. So here it goes. I last left off at hikes and my adventures with Irrani and Whitney Hippolite from New Zealand, which by the way R&W, I really do love you! When they were here, we went hiking, bowling, LAGOON, and had many more EPIC adventures.
After they left, I worked. A LOT!!!! This was good and I met many weird customers, especially at 9th and 9th. One customer laughed at the stand because he thought it should be on a battlefield...WEIRD!!!
I went to my family reunion this summer! This was fun because I got to hang out with the cousins that I never really get to hang out with. I got a really cool cowboy hat in Steamboat Springs, CO at this really neat 100 year old store!
It was really weird when my friends left for school and I was the only one home. I worked a lot and it was really weird to wake up for work, even though it was a regular school day.
Then it was time to leave for school! FINALLY!!!! The one sad thing was that I had to say goodbye to my friends...and long time OFFICE PARTY friends (don't worry, I have found a new OFFICE group, but it is not the same :I)
Now I am up in REXBURG and LOVING it! It is so great up here!
So here it is, a shortened version of what I did this summer. I was planing to do a more detailed account, but these are the BEST THINGS I DID!
College adventures to come soon!
In June I graduated from Olympus High School! I knew I had to have an EPIC summer, as it would most likely be my last living at home. So here it goes. I last left off at hikes and my adventures with Irrani and Whitney Hippolite from New Zealand, which by the way R&W, I really do love you! When they were here, we went hiking, bowling, LAGOON, and had many more EPIC adventures.
After they left, I worked. A LOT!!!! This was good and I met many weird customers, especially at 9th and 9th. One customer laughed at the stand because he thought it should be on a battlefield...WEIRD!!!
I went to my family reunion this summer! This was fun because I got to hang out with the cousins that I never really get to hang out with. I got a really cool cowboy hat in Steamboat Springs, CO at this really neat 100 year old store!
It was really weird when my friends left for school and I was the only one home. I worked a lot and it was really weird to wake up for work, even though it was a regular school day.
Then it was time to leave for school! FINALLY!!!! The one sad thing was that I had to say goodbye to my friends...and long time OFFICE PARTY friends (don't worry, I have found a new OFFICE group, but it is not the same :I)
Now I am up in REXBURG and LOVING it! It is so great up here!
So here it is, a shortened version of what I did this summer. I was planing to do a more detailed account, but these are the BEST THINGS I DID!
College adventures to come soon!
College at last!
Well, I am here in Rexburg at BYU - Idaho and I am LOVING IT! Please let me adjust before I start writing again. I have a couple of blogs that I am currently working on. STAY TUNED!!!
August 3, 2009
Things that need to be done before I leave to school:
P.S. I know I haven't been blogging lately. Summer Adventures to come soon!
- Buy a computer
- Shopping for clothes (need clothes for cold winters in Rexburg)
- Furnish my dorm
- Hopefully get to know who my room mates are before I go up there.
- WORK (need $$$)
- Get a new bank account. (My bank doesen't have a branch in Rexburg.)
- Finish my Duty to God
- Clean my room
- Buy textbooks
- PARTY!!!!!
P.S. I know I haven't been blogging lately. Summer Adventures to come soon!
June 18, 2009
Is this funny, or weird? I can't decide.
I personally think this is weird. The writers are obviously trying to be funny.
What do you think?
June 17, 2009
Lucky Me!
What a blessing it was to take Humanities and English 1010 for college credit in high school, SERIOUSLY! I had been planing to sign up for classes at the stroke of midnight today, but to my surprise, I found that my SLCC credits had already transfered. Because I had more than one credit, I could sign up for classes a day earlier than the rest of the new freshman! I had about an hour to play with my schedule (making sure not to take classes too early, but early enough), dropping and adding classes to my heart's content!
At the end of the night, I made my final decisions for my fundemental classes and I wanted one more class that I actually want to take, Psychology. I looked online to see which professor was good. The clock struck midnight and when I clicked "add class" it took like 5 minutes to load and put psychology on my schedule. Other freshman like me were finally on, making their schedules with the best times like I wanted to, cloging up the school's servers. Boy am I happy that I took those college classes in high school, allowing me to start my schedule a day early! For now, I am content with my 5 classes and 15 credits, American history, math, science, missionary Book of Mormon and psychology. Even more, without the concurrent classes I would have had to wait and struggle to get the classes I want.
At the end of the night, I made my final decisions for my fundemental classes and I wanted one more class that I actually want to take, Psychology. I looked online to see which professor was good. The clock struck midnight and when I clicked "add class" it took like 5 minutes to load and put psychology on my schedule. Other freshman like me were finally on, making their schedules with the best times like I wanted to, cloging up the school's servers. Boy am I happy that I took those college classes in high school, allowing me to start my schedule a day early! For now, I am content with my 5 classes and 15 credits, American history, math, science, missionary Book of Mormon and psychology. Even more, without the concurrent classes I would have had to wait and struggle to get the classes I want.
June 15, 2009
I have officially gotten high school out of my life, literally! Today i finally got around to going through all my old high school papers and threw them away. I found lots of old assignments, essays, tests and other papers. Memories rushed through my head, remembering the class and the things I grew to love through that class. As I went through the papers, I remembered all the work (or lack thereof) I put into that piece of work. I found old notebooks and laughed as I read through the pages of notes I took, thinking of how much I may have hated or liked the class. I found my old physics notebook. All I can say is how happy I was to get that out of my house! What a relief to get those assignments and papers out of my life to make room for all college will bring to me.
June 14, 2009
One rainy day!
Today in the SLC it rained. HARD! The weather right now is crazy. It has rained every day for the past 2 weeks! I have never seen this kind of weather in June. Today as my sister and I were going to a party, we took these shots. As we were at one stop light, I took these pictures. Look at 21st south. It is like a river!
Lok at the rain on the window!
Look at 21st. It is a river!
After the storm, I tested out the micro zoom on my camera. Look at the water droplets!
Look at the flower!
June 13, 2009
Last Saturday morning we hiked to the living room. It was fun! I had never hiked there before, although I had hiked most of the trail before, as it is the trail to the beacon. I never really realized what a beautiful valley we really live in.
June 12, 2009
Graduation Party
HORRAY! Graduation day has now come and gone. On Tuesday, O had a party to celebrate her graduation as she wouldn't be attending her own graduation because she would be in DISNEYLAND!!! Complete with a flowing white gown and hat, red and white tassel and even a chocolate lei (and a real one too!), O gave an excellent speech with an ever heartwarming quote from anonymous! We laughed. We cried. We applauded. Thanks O! It was by far the best graduation I have ever attended (even better than my own!).
I hope your dreams take you . . . to the corners of your smiles,
to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities,
and to the most special places your heart has ever known.
to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities,
and to the most special places your heart has ever known.
June 11, 2009
If you haven't seen Pixar's latest masterpiece, UP, you are in for a real treat! The film is wonderful. The animation is top-notch, filled with color and amazement. UP is filled with memorable characters you will truly care for. You are also bound to cry!
Lou Romano, the art directors on UP has posted a lengthy post on his blog about the art direction on a film like this. It is amazing the amount of detail Pixar puts in to create their films. Some of the illustrations were done after Pixar took a research trip to South America. These illustrations were to convey the look, feeling and style of the film. It is a real shame that these wonderful illustrations are only for pre-production work and are not intended for the audience, although the image above is used in the film as the mural Ellie paints above the mantel.
I hope that you enjoy the film as much as I did!
Look at the post HERE.
Also look out for Lou Romano's voice in other Pixar films, most notably staring as Linguini in 2007's Ratatouille.
Lou Romano, the art directors on UP has posted a lengthy post on his blog about the art direction on a film like this. It is amazing the amount of detail Pixar puts in to create their films. Some of the illustrations were done after Pixar took a research trip to South America. These illustrations were to convey the look, feeling and style of the film. It is a real shame that these wonderful illustrations are only for pre-production work and are not intended for the audience, although the image above is used in the film as the mural Ellie paints above the mantel.
I hope that you enjoy the film as much as I did!
Look at the post HERE.
Also look out for Lou Romano's voice in other Pixar films, most notably staring as Linguini in 2007's Ratatouille.
June 9, 2009
My after graduation adventures
I graduated from Olympus High School at on June 4, 2009. What fun times! After graduation, we took pictures and my family went out to dinner. That night, at 10, I arrived at Jared's. We played a bit of pool and finally went to the school for a night of fun!
At the last bash, they lock all the students in so they wont go out drinking. They have fun and games, lots of prizes, blow up toys, lots of food, glow in the dark miniature golf, a fortune teller, a riding bull (So hard), and my favorite, Mel the Magician. Mel was AMAZING! he had a stack of $1 bills and turned all of them into $100! He also had a special dollar that, when folded, would switch the four quadrants of a dollar around. At the prize wheel, I saw Christian get raging waters tickets, Alyssa get a $50 spoon me card and Katie get a Lagoon pass. It was my turn. I got a free lunch. NO! (Luckily Carly didn't want her $25 Subway card and I traded with her.)
Mini Golf was fun. We got free glow in the dark sticks. In the gym, there were all these blow up toys: Slides, an obstacle course, and my favorite, a bungee run where you were strapped to a cord to your back and you would run and be pulled back. WAY TOO FUN! I won a $10 gift card playing "Let's make a deal," which was amazing cause I never win things. After being called into the lunch room and hearing the unfunny comedian and after the raffle, we could leave. By now it is 3 AM.
You didn't think the night was over did you? NEVER!! We went to Jared's and talked for a bit. Haval, Christian, Katie and I went swimming for like 2 hours. We mostly just sat in the pool so we wouldn't fall asleep. We were determined to stay up until at least 9!
We went down stairs and found the others watching a movie. I sat down and almost fell asleep, but Christian kept poking me to stay awake. Finally it was about 6 and we made delicious banana pancakes as I sang the song by Jack Johnson.
After breakfast, we played a game of tennis. I was tired by now and didn't have any energy.
At the last bash, they lock all the students in so they wont go out drinking. They have fun and games, lots of prizes, blow up toys, lots of food, glow in the dark miniature golf, a fortune teller, a riding bull (So hard), and my favorite, Mel the Magician. Mel was AMAZING! he had a stack of $1 bills and turned all of them into $100! He also had a special dollar that, when folded, would switch the four quadrants of a dollar around. At the prize wheel, I saw Christian get raging waters tickets, Alyssa get a $50 spoon me card and Katie get a Lagoon pass. It was my turn. I got a free lunch. NO! (Luckily Carly didn't want her $25 Subway card and I traded with her.)
Mini Golf was fun. We got free glow in the dark sticks. In the gym, there were all these blow up toys: Slides, an obstacle course, and my favorite, a bungee run where you were strapped to a cord to your back and you would run and be pulled back. WAY TOO FUN! I won a $10 gift card playing "Let's make a deal," which was amazing cause I never win things. After being called into the lunch room and hearing the unfunny comedian and after the raffle, we could leave. By now it is 3 AM.
You didn't think the night was over did you? NEVER!! We went to Jared's and talked for a bit. Haval, Christian, Katie and I went swimming for like 2 hours. We mostly just sat in the pool so we wouldn't fall asleep. We were determined to stay up until at least 9!
We went down stairs and found the others watching a movie. I sat down and almost fell asleep, but Christian kept poking me to stay awake. Finally it was about 6 and we made delicious banana pancakes as I sang the song by Jack Johnson.
After breakfast, we played a game of tennis. I was tired by now and didn't have any energy.
May 31, 2009
This last video isn't a classic, but it is from my new favorite show, GLEE. I have high hopes for this show that rethinks the usual high school choir.
Well, I hope that you have liked diving into the weird and wonderful world of youtube. You really need to spend time on that site.
For now, I will go on a short one week hiatus. I am graduating! I will soon be back to real posts. I have much to talk about. Until then, signing off from a month of youtube. See you soon!
Well, I hope that you have liked diving into the weird and wonderful world of youtube. You really need to spend time on that site.
For now, I will go on a short one week hiatus. I am graduating! I will soon be back to real posts. I have much to talk about. Until then, signing off from a month of youtube. See you soon!
May 30, 2009
May 29, 2009
C is for cookie!
I know that I have already posted another Sessame Street video, but the show's 40th anniversary is coming up. Enjoy this classic clip!
May 28, 2009
Yes ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!! I hope my graduation has this much fun and dancing!
May 27, 2009
Paul Potts
I have posted about Susan Boyle before. Did you know that Paul Potts is the original Britain's Got Talent singer that took the world by storm?
May 26, 2009
May 25, 2009
Kiss a girl
Sorry about the bad quality, but don't you love the two together? Enjoy Keith Urban and Kris Allen sing Kiss A Girl!
May 24, 2009
Susan Boyle
I have talked about her before, but now she is in the semifinals and still amazing! I love her! I hope she wins!
May 23, 2009
Kris Allen WINS!!!!
Horray! Kris' thoughts about wining American Idol! I love this guy! I found him at the beginning and voted for him all the way through! Watch his thoughts. So humble!
May 22, 2009
Just a little video to celebrate the return of the BEST SHOW EVER, CHUCK! I am so happy that NBC had the heart to renew this struggling show. Enjoy JEFFSTER, a two man band from the local Buy More! I hope to see a great third season!
May 21, 2009
One of my new favorites...
So I know about this band because they were featured in an apple ad. I found this song on their new album and love it! Enjoy The Ting Tings That's Not My Name!
May 20, 2009
May 19, 2009
Christian the Lion
So I have been waiting a while to show you this one, this just shows that love knows no bounds (cheesy, I know)! But it is true!
May 18, 2009
Foux da Fa Fa!
Enjoy this little clip from "Flight of the Conchords!" So funny! Would definitely recommend the show!
May 17, 2009
A funny game
So you know of those crazy Japanese game shows don't you? Enjoy this funny marshmallow eating game!
May 16, 2009
Escala is an up and coming band, found last year on Britain's Got Talent. Even though they didn't win the show, Simon Cowell thinks that they are the next big thing. What do you think?
May 15, 2009
May 14, 2009
May 13, 2009
May 12, 2009
May 11, 2009
A Mix!
This is BRILLIANT! Who would have ever thought to mix Viva la Vida and Love Song? They work really well together! Enjoy John Schmidt's arrangement of the two songs together.
May 10, 2009
May 9, 2009
May 8, 2009
May 7, 2009
Don't honk at old people
Don't honk when old people cross the street, instead help get them along on their merry way, OR ELSE!
May 6, 2009
May 5, 2009
May 4, 2009
Ah, the classic American Blond, dumb yet beautiful. Watch as Miss South Carolina embarasses both herself and the rest of the nation in Miss Teen USA 2007!
May 3, 2009
Evolution of Dance
My next video is a YouTube classic! In fact, it is currently the #2 most watched video on the site. The man that dances, Judson Laipply describes his dance as "combining his thoughts about life and change with humor." Enjoy this hilarious Evolution of Dance!
May 2, 2009
For those of you who like Mythbusters, this next video is for you. I thought this myth was appropriate because they are testing web videos. In this next one, Grant, Tory, and Kari attempt to build a giant lego ball and smash it in the car. You are sure to be surprised by the result.
May 1, 2009
Justin is a SINGLE LADY
So this was a really hard video to find, but I have done it! Last fall Justin Timberlake did this skit with Byonce. Enjoy Justin's hallarious performance as a leotard-clad, high-heeled dancer upstaging Beyonce in her “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)” music video!
Sorry, but this video has been disabled for embedding, so you will have to go HERE to watch it.
Sorry, but this video has been disabled for embedding, so you will have to go HERE to watch it.
A month of...
Introducing YouTube Favorites month. A month devoted to the silly, dramatic, and just plain stupid videos on YouTube! Check back daily for new videos.
First, A bit of history about our favorite little web video site.
From Wikipedia:
From Wikipedia:
YouTube was founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, who were all early employees of PayPal. Prior to PayPal, Hurley studied design at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Chen and Karim studied computer science together at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The domain name "YouTube.com" was activated on February 15, 2005, and the website was developed over the subsequent months. The creators offered the public a preview of the site in May 2005, six months before YouTube made its official debut.
During the summer of 2006, YouTube was one of the fastest growing websites on the Web, and was ranked the 5th most popular website on Alexa, far out pacing even MySpace's rate of growth. According to a July 16, 2006 survey, 100 million video clips are viewed daily on YouTube, with an additional 65,000 new videos uploaded every 24 hours. The website averages nearly 20 million visitors per month, according to Nielsen/NetRatings, where around 44% are female, 56% male, and the 12- to 17-year-old age group is dominant.
On October 9, 2006, it was announced that the company would be purchased by Google for US$1.65 billion in stock. The purchase agreement between Google and YouTube came after YouTube presented three agreements with media companies in an attempt to escape the threat of copyright-infringement lawsuits. YouTube will continue operating independently, with its co-founders and 67 employees working within the company. The deal to acquire YouTube closed on November 13, and was, at the time, Google's second largest acquisition.
During the summer of 2006, YouTube was one of the fastest growing websites on the Web, and was ranked the 5th most popular website on Alexa, far out pacing even MySpace's rate of growth. According to a July 16, 2006 survey, 100 million video clips are viewed daily on YouTube, with an additional 65,000 new videos uploaded every 24 hours. The website averages nearly 20 million visitors per month, according to Nielsen/NetRatings, where around 44% are female, 56% male, and the 12- to 17-year-old age group is dominant.
On October 9, 2006, it was announced that the company would be purchased by Google for US$1.65 billion in stock. The purchase agreement between Google and YouTube came after YouTube presented three agreements with media companies in an attempt to escape the threat of copyright-infringement lawsuits. YouTube will continue operating independently, with its co-founders and 67 employees working within the company. The deal to acquire YouTube closed on November 13, and was, at the time, Google's second largest acquisition.
April 29, 2009
I want to know your favorite YouTube videos. You will see why soon! Tell me what your favorites are in the comments below.
So in case you haven't gotten enough of The Office lately, they are coming out with their annual Emmy Winning Webisodes. They are really funny! Here is a preview of their upcoming webisodes featuring the weird old man Creed, called BLACKMAIL.
April 24, 2009
Today I Met The [Girl] I'm Gonna Marry
Put Your iTunes* on Shuffle.
1. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
2. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
3. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
4. Tag at least 10 friends.
5. Anyone tagged has to do the same, because pointlessness spreads like a virus.
If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
One Tree Hill - U2
How would you describe yourself?
Belief - John Mayer
What do you like in a guy/girl?
The Christmas Blues - Dean Martin (WHAT?)
How do you feel today?
She Is - The Fray
What is your life's purpose?
California - Mates of State (Not even the good version)
What is your motto?
Somebody Loves Me - Unknown Artist
What do your friends think of you?
A Million Ways - OK GO
What do you think of your parents?
They Do, They Don't - Jack Johnson
What do you think about very often?
Something to Talk About - Badly Drawn Boy
What is 2+2?
I'll Be OK - Sondre Lerche
What do you think of your best friends?
Ya Got Trouble - The Music Man
What do you think of the person you like LOVE?
Don't Give Up - Eagle Eye Cherry (Didn't know I had that song. Never heard of the band.)
What is your life story?
Grace Kelly - MIKA
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A Kissing Fool - Michael Bublé
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Stay With You - John Legend
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Hotel California - Eagles (HaHa!)
What will they play at your funeral?
Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard (Sounds like California is a big part of my life! Life's Purpose, Wedding, Funeral song!)
What is your hobby/interest?
The Time Of My Life - David Cook
What is your biggest fear?
I Want You - The Beatles
What is your biggest secret?
Better Together - Jack Johnson
What do you think of your friends?
Stay - Maurice Williams and The Zodiacs
What’s the worst thing that could happen?
Not Crying - Flight of the Conchords
What is one thing you regret?
This Love - Maroon 5 (Hate that song!)
What makes you laugh?
Night and Day - Frank Sinatra
What makes you cry?
Run Run Run - The Phoenix - (Never heard that song.)
Will you ever get married?
Lady Madonna - The Beatles
What scares you the most?
More Than Sorry - Ben Harper
Does anyone like you?
Shut Up - Black Eyed Peas
If you could go back in time what would you change?
Amsterdam - Guster
What hurts right now?
San Francisco Bay Blues - Eric Clapton
What will you post this as?
Today I Met The [Girl] I'm Gonna Marry - Darlene Love (I'm not marrying a boy!)
1. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
2. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
3. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
4. Tag at least 10 friends.
5. Anyone tagged has to do the same, because pointlessness spreads like a virus.
If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
One Tree Hill - U2
How would you describe yourself?
Belief - John Mayer
What do you like in a guy/girl?
The Christmas Blues - Dean Martin (WHAT?)
How do you feel today?
She Is - The Fray
What is your life's purpose?
California - Mates of State (Not even the good version)
What is your motto?
Somebody Loves Me - Unknown Artist
What do your friends think of you?
A Million Ways - OK GO
What do you think of your parents?
They Do, They Don't - Jack Johnson
What do you think about very often?
Something to Talk About - Badly Drawn Boy
What is 2+2?
I'll Be OK - Sondre Lerche
What do you think of your best friends?
Ya Got Trouble - The Music Man
What do you think of the person you like LOVE?
Don't Give Up - Eagle Eye Cherry (Didn't know I had that song. Never heard of the band.)
What is your life story?
Grace Kelly - MIKA
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A Kissing Fool - Michael Bublé
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Stay With You - John Legend
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Hotel California - Eagles (HaHa!)
What will they play at your funeral?
Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard (Sounds like California is a big part of my life! Life's Purpose, Wedding, Funeral song!)
What is your hobby/interest?
The Time Of My Life - David Cook
What is your biggest fear?
I Want You - The Beatles
What is your biggest secret?
Better Together - Jack Johnson
What do you think of your friends?
Stay - Maurice Williams and The Zodiacs
What’s the worst thing that could happen?
Not Crying - Flight of the Conchords
What is one thing you regret?
This Love - Maroon 5 (Hate that song!)
What makes you laugh?
Night and Day - Frank Sinatra
What makes you cry?
Run Run Run - The Phoenix - (Never heard that song.)
Will you ever get married?
Lady Madonna - The Beatles
What scares you the most?
More Than Sorry - Ben Harper
Does anyone like you?
Shut Up - Black Eyed Peas
If you could go back in time what would you change?
Amsterdam - Guster
What hurts right now?
San Francisco Bay Blues - Eric Clapton
What will you post this as?
Today I Met The [Girl] I'm Gonna Marry - Darlene Love (I'm not marrying a boy!)
April 20, 2009
April 19, 2009
Root Beer Freezes!
Today Martha and I made home-made root beer freezes. They were Delicious! All we did was blended vanilla ice cream and cold root beer (never diet) and froze it a little bit after it was thoroughly mixed. I can't wait to try it again!
April 17, 2009
Coldplay, how I love you!
I recently found this interview with Chris Martin. I am always amazed to hear how successful Chris Martin and his band Coldplay is! I would love to see them live in concert!
April 16, 2009
Horray For Harrry!
Yes, Warner Brothers finally released the final HBP trailer. I can't wait! Enjoy!
A fun little Muppet's moment
Jan, you inspired me. I love the Muppets and Sessame Street! Below is my favorite song, Manah Manah. Enjoy!
April 15, 2009
Simply Amazing!
Meet Susan Boyle, proof that anything is possible!
I love the judges expressions! I bet you weren't expecting that! Surely this is not the last we will hear from this woman! I hear that she is the favorite to win this season.
Watch how Susan reacts to her new found web fame:
I love the judges expressions! I bet you weren't expecting that! Surely this is not the last we will hear from this woman! I hear that she is the favorite to win this season.
Watch how Susan reacts to her new found web fame:
April 7, 2009
TOUR '09, YES!!!
So I know that I haven't really written in weeks, I promised this to you day's ago, and to that I am deeply sorry. But for now, I have a lot to talk about. Concert choir tour was amazing! I had so much fun!
The bus ride was long, but fun. Not much to tell you there. Disneyland was by far the most fun. The rides, the magic, the memories... oh so many. For those of you Disneyland purists, yes I mean you E, you really need to check out California Adventures park. It has really changed for the better since it opened. There, they have Soarin' over California, by far my favorite ride. It gives you the sensiation that you are flying. Then there is Tower of Terror, a terrifying 13 story drop into The Twilight Zone. I forgot, you need to check out Toy Story Midway Mania. It is a game! Then there is Disneyland, the Happiest Place on Earth. Oh, how I love that park. It is truly clasic americana. All the rides are classic - all five mountains (Space Mountain is my favorite), Indiana Jones, Jungle Cruise, Small World, Pirates and oh, so many more! I didn't perform there, just watched the ensamble perform. A whole day at Disneyland is tiring, and expensive, but it is magical!
Newport beach was fun. We walked along the beach looking at the beach houses, where we found turtles in someone's yard. I was exhausted and slept on the beach for about an hour. I saw it - The Crab Cooker. Anyone who watches the OC would know what it is. I wanted to go in, but I didn't.
Nick, one of my room mates and I bought 40 bagel bites and ate them all. Now that I look back on it, this disgusts me.
Sunday was a neat day. We performed at an Episcopal church. It was interesting to see how others worship, but it felt as if something was missing. Then we performed at a fireside where Peter Vidmar, a famous gymnist spoke to us. It was a good day.
I was excited for Monday. We were in Las Vegas. On the way the choir stopped at Upland High School, in California and listened to another choir accomplish an amazing feat, Tuvan Throat Singing. Then we were finally off to Vegas. We stayed in a dump - Americas Best Inn and Suites, seriously the cheapest place in vegas, $30 a night. At night there was a security gaurd walking around. It was in a creepy part of Vegas, just off the strip, across the street from the MGM Grand.
As I said before, PHANTOM was amazing. I have never seen the play before, but I loved it. I want to go back again to see it. The stage was specifically made for that one play! The chandalier was HUGE and it scared me when it fell (Spoiler Alert!).
The Venetian and Pillazo were cool. We had a nice, ahem, buffet. The food was ok, but the ambianse was supurb! The mall there was expensive. Name brand designers filled the stores. One book store Alyssa and I found had rare books, one such being $28,000!
The Venetian has a real canal much like Venice where you can have a Gondola ride. Entertainers fill the mall - Ents, magical walking trees, the woman of the fountain, with water coming from their heads and fingers and the best was the real statue, a man (or woman?) standing still, creeply winking at times at certain people.
At Madame Tusauds, a wax museum, I saw all my friends. I saw James Bond, Indiana Jones, a friendly preacher, Ryan Seacrest and a creepy looking Simon, Spider-Man, Abe Lincoln and Barack Obma! The figures were creeply like the real person. I swear I saw one move, or maybe that was my imagination.
Overall, Beln was ok. She was crazy at times, but isn't that normal? My favorite was when she came behind me and started to hum the PHANTOM theme song. As she walked away she told me that it would be scarier if a chain smoker did it. I don't think so!
Tour '09 was seriously the most fun I have had in a while. I am sad that my senior year is almost done, although I am ready to graduate and be done with the drama that is high shcool. Thanks to all the people that make this possible and thank you to my friends. I will never forget the fun of TOUR '09!
The bus ride was long, but fun. Not much to tell you there. Disneyland was by far the most fun. The rides, the magic, the memories... oh so many. For those of you Disneyland purists, yes I mean you E, you really need to check out California Adventures park. It has really changed for the better since it opened. There, they have Soarin' over California, by far my favorite ride. It gives you the sensiation that you are flying. Then there is Tower of Terror, a terrifying 13 story drop into The Twilight Zone. I forgot, you need to check out Toy Story Midway Mania. It is a game! Then there is Disneyland, the Happiest Place on Earth. Oh, how I love that park. It is truly clasic americana. All the rides are classic - all five mountains (Space Mountain is my favorite), Indiana Jones, Jungle Cruise, Small World, Pirates and oh, so many more! I didn't perform there, just watched the ensamble perform. A whole day at Disneyland is tiring, and expensive, but it is magical!
Newport beach was fun. We walked along the beach looking at the beach houses, where we found turtles in someone's yard. I was exhausted and slept on the beach for about an hour. I saw it - The Crab Cooker. Anyone who watches the OC would know what it is. I wanted to go in, but I didn't.
Nick, one of my room mates and I bought 40 bagel bites and ate them all. Now that I look back on it, this disgusts me.
Sunday was a neat day. We performed at an Episcopal church. It was interesting to see how others worship, but it felt as if something was missing. Then we performed at a fireside where Peter Vidmar, a famous gymnist spoke to us. It was a good day.
I was excited for Monday. We were in Las Vegas. On the way the choir stopped at Upland High School, in California and listened to another choir accomplish an amazing feat, Tuvan Throat Singing. Then we were finally off to Vegas. We stayed in a dump - Americas Best Inn and Suites, seriously the cheapest place in vegas, $30 a night. At night there was a security gaurd walking around. It was in a creepy part of Vegas, just off the strip, across the street from the MGM Grand.
As I said before, PHANTOM was amazing. I have never seen the play before, but I loved it. I want to go back again to see it. The stage was specifically made for that one play! The chandalier was HUGE and it scared me when it fell (Spoiler Alert!).
The Venetian and Pillazo were cool. We had a nice, ahem, buffet. The food was ok, but the ambianse was supurb! The mall there was expensive. Name brand designers filled the stores. One book store Alyssa and I found had rare books, one such being $28,000!
The Venetian has a real canal much like Venice where you can have a Gondola ride. Entertainers fill the mall - Ents, magical walking trees, the woman of the fountain, with water coming from their heads and fingers and the best was the real statue, a man (or woman?) standing still, creeply winking at times at certain people.
At Madame Tusauds, a wax museum, I saw all my friends. I saw James Bond, Indiana Jones, a friendly preacher, Ryan Seacrest and a creepy looking Simon, Spider-Man, Abe Lincoln and Barack Obma! The figures were creeply like the real person. I swear I saw one move, or maybe that was my imagination.
Overall, Beln was ok. She was crazy at times, but isn't that normal? My favorite was when she came behind me and started to hum the PHANTOM theme song. As she walked away she told me that it would be scarier if a chain smoker did it. I don't think so!
Tour '09 was seriously the most fun I have had in a while. I am sad that my senior year is almost done, although I am ready to graduate and be done with the drama that is high shcool. Thanks to all the people that make this possible and thank you to my friends. I will never forget the fun of TOUR '09!
Now for the PICTURES...
Small World
Toy Story Midway Mania
~Tower Of Terror~
Recognize This?
The Creepy Winking Statue
The Ents...
The Water Women
James and I
It's me and Harrison!
Neil Armstrong
Singing for Simon and Ryan. I look weird.
The canal and a gondola at the Venetian.
Las Vegas,
April 2, 2009
It's late. Tour was fun! Phantom was amazing... Pics and stories to come ASAP!
Las Vegas,
March 31, 2009
March 30, 2009
March 29, 2009
March 28, 2009
March 27, 2009
March 26, 2009
On the road again...
So by now I have left for California for Choir Tour (Yes, this was automatically posted, written yesterday). I really can't wait for all the new adventures I will have. As I remember from last year, the bus ride was long, but fun. See you soon!
March 25, 2009

Ben, it is done. I have finally completed the stickers you have been wanting for quite some time!
P.S. One more day until tour! Stay Tuned!
March 24, 2009
Might I say POINTLESS?

So I just got some new REEF flip flops for my upcoming tour with patented (seriously) "REEF Thirst Quenching Technology" on the bottom of the shoe. What is it, might you ask? None other than a bottle opener for those late-night crazy parties on the beach!
These sandals seem to be popular as most of the flip flops sold at the store have this "Thirst Quenching Technology."
March 20, 2009
Places I love...

I really LOVE IKEA. It is the best store in the whole wide world...That and the Apple Store...And Best Buy. I can't wait to go back with Laura, Alyssa and Logan. Fun times, Fun times.
March 19, 2009
Geronimo Jackson
It is still as good as it was back in 1977, listening to it in the underground Swan Station. A song that any Dharma Initiative employee would know has finally been rediscovered for our generation. Yes, this groovy gem has finally been unearthed! It makes me remember the good old days on the island. Now, if they could only revive the infamous 90's band, Drive Shaft, headed by the now diseased Charlie Pace...
Enjoy Geranimo Jackson's song Dharma Lady!
*If you have no idea what I am talking about, you need to become a LOST fan.
Enjoy Geranimo Jackson's song Dharma Lady!
*If you have no idea what I am talking about, you need to become a LOST fan.
March 18, 2009
So you know that I just got a SNUGGIE, but what about other infomercial products? Ellen has reviewed some of the funniest products in the videos below:
And my favorite:
Too funny!
And my favorite:
Too funny!
March 17, 2009
What to post about?
Sorry I missed yesterday, I had nothing to write. It feels as if the well has run dry for now, at least for big posts. First of all, Laura, I am so excited for Saturday. I think that we are going to have a lot of fun! Second of all, I love my friends! This year I have become friends/become better friends with some of the most amazing people in the world! And to my long-time friends, thanks for always being there for me! Last, but certainly not least, my LOST and The Office friends, Alex and Olivia, I couldn't do without our weekly get-togethers. Wednesday and Thursday nights literally get me through school, and surviving through the end of my senior year. What will we do next year when we will be away? I suppose I will be here in the spring, but we will still be missing you, Olivia. We can always wait until the DVD...
I love you all, and hope you are all doing well!
*Thanks EMILY for finding my blog and being my friend in CHEMISTRY!*
March 15, 2009
March 14, 2009

Every time I hear Phantom Planet sing "CALIFORNIA, HERE WE COME," I can't help but get excited for choir tour. Seriously, I am psyched! I can't wait to make new memories and get to know my friends better. I can't wait to go to Disneyland, my favorite thing to do in California. I had such a good time on tour last year, here are some memorable things of tour 2008:
- On the way there, we stopped in Cedar City. The McDonalds was seriously amazing. They had plasma tvs in the bathrooms!
- The bus ride was fun, but long. It was a relief to get off and sleep in the hotel.
- Getting up the morning we were going to Disneyland was fun. The excitement was killing me. (On a related note, one spring break in California, I woke my cousin up in the middle of the night, sleep talking, asking him if we were going to Disneyland the next day. We in fact were!)
- Disneyland is really the happiest place on earth. As we were in line for Space Mountain, Haval ran into a pole. That was the funniest moment there.
- Wanting to get out of California Adventure...One friend wanted to stay there the entire day.
- Grace loosing her phone. That is a story for a different day. Let me tell you, it was traumatic.
- Getting soaked on Splash Mountain!
- Fantasy Land! Where dreams truly come true!
- By the end of the day, I was ready to leave. It was one of the longest days of my life.
- Wicked, the musical. AMAZING!
- St. Edmunds. The chapel was beautiful and it was interesting to see how others worship on Sunday.
- Belnap...She fell down the stairs on the bus as it was stopping. What more can I say? There is a lot.
- Someone bringing Bagels into the Sunday night performance to keep to his eating schedule.
- The beach and Balboa Bars!
- Las Vegas was scary. We stayed in a creepy hotel. It was fun because my roomates and I ordered pizza!
- The roller coaster at the NEW YORK, NEW YORK!
- Coming home was sad, but I was ready to come home. It was snowing!
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